Monday, November 5, 2012

365 Days For Choice

On September 25th until November 4 2012, there will be a number of protests across North America with the intention of denying individuals with uteruses the right to choose what happens to their bodies. We will be counter protesting to remind these individuals that there is no such thing as "ending abortion" only ending "safe abortions." 

We will be there to show our support and our solidarity with those persons who have made the (often difficult and emotional) decision to make use of the services inside these clinics. We will be there to say that not now or ever will we allow the bullying and shaming by religious individuals, who would seek to limit the rights and the freedoms of others to suit their personal belief systems. Health care and religion have nothing to do with one and other; and to blend them is to start a dangerous precedent where everyone is held to the moral standards of a loud and aggressive few.

We will be there throughout these 40 days, and every other day of the year that they choose to come out, to say that this brand of divisive religious based American politicking is not welcome in Canada, as it is not welcome anywhere. We will be there to oppose those who would seek to emotionally manipulate, shame, and bully women and others with uterus's attempting to access fully legal safe and provincially funded health services. We will be there to say that they can not and will not threaten our right to choose what happens to our bodies, ever. We will be there long after their 40 days is over. We will never stop fighting back those who would take from us our rights to our bodies and our right to choose what happens to those bodies. 

There is no such thing as pro life when your denial of safe health services would guarantee the death of those with uterus's who would opt for unsafe abortions, coat hangers, drugs, beatings, or dangerous procedures in back rooms. There is only pro-choice or anti-choice.

I am Human.

Every day you can hear " Oh, Its just a phase they are going through." Most people see being apart of the LGBT community as a 'sin' or wrong in of itself. Hatred and anger are a constant force against the LGBT community. I just want to ask some of you who have this mindset... Why? It is not you that is this way, why should you have any say in weather or not gays have rights to marry or for any other reason. Not everyone is like you. We are all different. Some people were born this way, some find out later in life. If being gay is a choice... when did you choose to be straight? Stop all the crap. It is not your life you choose to live, let others live how they are happy. Keep your opinions to yourself, or get rid of them all together.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Nobody Cares Unless Your Pretty Or Dead.

Bullying is a huge problem in today society. Especially with teenagers. This morning I logged into Facebook to  hear about yet another girl that committed suicide. All day today I keep seeing all of these posts about Amanda Todd. Yes, it is horrible that she went this way.. no one should. However, I see a slight problem. All of you are " so heartbroken", and "torn up" over her death now. Well, as I see none of you particularly gave a shit before, why now? This girl's death will be a big thing for about 2 days, and then everyone will forget about her. Thats how i always goes. I don't know who shes is or where she from, but someone- anyone could have just simply reached out and saved that girl. One person could have made the difference. Now- she has all the support she would ever need, Guess what guys? Its too late. You want to help stop bullying? Stop all of a sudden caring after its too late. Maybe learn to do something before it reaches this. I promise you it will make more of a difference than your stupid Facebook posts about how you want to change the world- actually do it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Dares For August/September

I hope someone at least thinks about doing these dares... even just a little. If anyone is- here ya go!

1.  Make a stranger smile.
2. Be Happy with who you are and where you have been
3. Love with all of your heart and soul
4. Stand up for yourself 
5. Be heard and make a stand about something you believe in
6. Be there for someone during a hard time
7. Live like today is your last day
8. Be as Happy as a bird with a french fry on a summer day
9. Spend time with your best friend
10. Unplug for a day- No phone, no computer, No electronics
11. Read a BOOK. Not a nook or a kindle.. Get a BOOK.
12. Become someone else for a day- dress up, fake a name,maybe even fake an accent.
13. Be brave... do something crazy.

Dont Hate What You Dont Understand

Don't hate what you don't understand. Take the leap and try to understand. Everyone is different from each other. We all behave in different ways. Learn it. Preach It. Live By It. We are who we are.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Society Killed The Teenager.

SOCIETY KILLED THE TEENAGER.  Yep, that says it all. I just recently went to my little brothers science fair at the Junior High School. All around me I saw little 30 year old women. These girls are 13 years old... they are supposed to be  wearing unmatching clothes that are way to big,  pigtails, and not caring whether they look good- just having a good time with their friends. Well apparently not, these girls are not even girls anymore. Perhaps clones of a barbie ? Spray tans, bleached hair,  nails done, wearing fancy clothes and heels, and walking around with their boyfriends. Since when do year olds have boyfriends and I-phones ?! I suppose I got lost in the translation it was okay to give us every luxury we could ever want and let us look and feel way beyond their age just because it apparently the 'trendy' way to do it. Is there really such thing as a teenager anymore? All of the ads, the culture, social networking, the hate, and the trends.. they destroy what little of human individuality we have. Deemed by society it is okay for todays teenager to be a barbie doll by the age of 14, to drink, to do drugs, to have sex,  just do whatever and get whatever they please. Society is killing us.. literally and metaphorically. There is hardly any responsibility or respect towards adults or anyone for that matter, it is not expected nor demanded. 

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Society Kills Us.

Why is it that girls are starving themselves to fit the terms of what society has deemed 'beautiful' ? Why cant we be the way they are? Why are we never skinny enough? Pretty enough? Popular enough? Why? I simply do not understand how we can let others that think they are so important decide what is beautiful or not. It is never good enough.I am a in High School- I'm the one that knows it best. Today's ociety doesn't care what is in the inside, its what is in the picture. That picture.. It kills. Suicide. Anorexia. Bulimia. Self-mutilation. All just to be 'pretty'. It destroys-it wrecks the mind. Does anybody out there understand that? Stop with the judgement. stop with the destruction of the people around you. Take a look around for the day, your just like them. A individually different and equally beautiful human being. Flaws and all, society is wrong. We arent skinny, fat, ugly, pretty,gross,gorgeous, or any thing that we propose upon humanity. We are human. Not dolls.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

All We Wish For

In reality, everyone asks 'How are you?' But its  it with sincerity? No. I just ask of all of you, show some compassion once and a while, actually mean what you say, say it with meaning and reason, because you could be someones last hope that maybe this world isn't totally filled with totally indifferent beings. We all crave for someone to sincerely ask , but do we? No. Lets stop the craving...Please, just give it a try.

You Know Its True.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Dares For March

So I Decided last night to make everyone who reads this a list of dares... If you complete any of these dares please do comment on which ones, and how you did it or who it was to! I dare ya(;
  1.  Hold the door open for a stranger
  2. Tell a random person on the street to have a good day
  3. Tell someone you love them
  4. Be Different...
  5. Stand up for Something you Believe in
  6. Have a night out with your friends
  7. Sing a song at the top of your lungs
  8. Help make a difference
  9. Dance in public
  10. Go a whole day without lying to yourself or anyone else
  11. Find a musician to listen to that makes you happy
  12. Take a funny photo of you and someone else and Facebook it
  13. Be disconnected for a day- ( No Phone, No Computer, No Twitter. None)
  14. Wear green on Saint Patrick's Day!
  15. Do something unusual
  16. Go do something fun you've been wanting to do
  17. Make a new friend
  18. Draw something and put it on your fridge
  19. Brighten someones day whether you know them or not
  20. Complete as many dares as you can...(:

Taking it For Granted

So many groan and moan about getting older instead of living their life. Why? It is a privilege denied to so many, and taken for granted by all. So I have a proposition.... Lets start living each day like it could be our last- you never know it could be. Lets start doing the things we want to do. Lets see the things we want to see. Lets Be who we want to be. Lets be the change we want to see in the world. Each day we can go to bed truly happy. Start today. Do it. I Dare You.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Its All Self Explanatory

Welcome to High School

Think back to Highs School... Thought it was bad then? You would be appalled at how it is now. I'm currently a Sophomore and school is my own personal hell. Everyday I am Bullied, made fun of, pushed, shoved, and judged without reason. Rumors spread like wildfires, and people keep getting nastier every single day. At first it was okay, but is still progressing into something unknown to me. You have to act a certain way, dress a certain way, be friends with certain people for some of your fellow peers to even notice that you exist. If you are oustide of the realm of their perfect reality, you are just someone to step on and bring down for their own pleasure. Maybe pushing us down the staircase brings them an adrenaline rush? knocking the binders out of a rushing students hands than kicking it across the hall just for laughs? Talk terribly right next to someone with gazing glances to see if you have heard? I have friends who are afraid to go to school because of the people there. People are getting more and more violent, and scary.Schools have polices to stop bullying, but what they don't realize is that if you get help... the people that are associated with the bully will go after you. But its not like they will believe you anyways. They never do, the one who is crushing you does it because they are the 'Golden Children'. Never once did anything wrong.. if they only knew. It is a never ending chain. Today we can get away from it. It follows us home, to sports, even when we are alone. Cyber-bullying being the worst. In today's school we have to have the internet to even do homework, you have to have a phone to even get in contact with anyone. This viscous bullying cant be solved... it'll only worsen. Take it from me. I know. I face it everyday, but I suppose that's the price one has to pay for being an individual. It used to be encouraged.... now it can destroy you.


I have recently came to notice that, everyone lately has been so judgmental... so.. " I''m so much better than thou." You cant say this is not true. In the news media, going to the grocery store, and the more prominent in my world... High School. Why is it in America we have lost all compassion for others? Everyday I see people shot down by others, simply because they can do it, and simply don't care. The recent sinking of the cruise ship in Italy is even one example. I'm not sure if anyone notices but when speaking of how many people were on the boat; how many people died; etc., but nobody seems to care about anyone but the 'Americans'. There were hundreds of people on the boat in danger and facing potiental death...but do they report on those people? No. They freak out and only cover things about the '126 Americans!'.  Making such a large deal about just people of our country. Do we not care about others? Why not? Oh yeah, thats right. We supposedly live in America, the greatest country in the world! Guess that makes us so much more important than everybody else and their bestfriend. Guess what America? Were Not. We live in one of the sickest, debt ridden, rascist, fame-based, judgmental, biased, sexist, homophobic countries in the world. Be Proud America....If the world was a High School.. You would be the head Cheerleader. Looks great, Sounds Great, really isnt, and is the most self centered student in the whole school. Just keep smiling America! They think you look fabulous!