Monday, November 5, 2012

365 Days For Choice

On September 25th until November 4 2012, there will be a number of protests across North America with the intention of denying individuals with uteruses the right to choose what happens to their bodies. We will be counter protesting to remind these individuals that there is no such thing as "ending abortion" only ending "safe abortions." 

We will be there to show our support and our solidarity with those persons who have made the (often difficult and emotional) decision to make use of the services inside these clinics. We will be there to say that not now or ever will we allow the bullying and shaming by religious individuals, who would seek to limit the rights and the freedoms of others to suit their personal belief systems. Health care and religion have nothing to do with one and other; and to blend them is to start a dangerous precedent where everyone is held to the moral standards of a loud and aggressive few.

We will be there throughout these 40 days, and every other day of the year that they choose to come out, to say that this brand of divisive religious based American politicking is not welcome in Canada, as it is not welcome anywhere. We will be there to oppose those who would seek to emotionally manipulate, shame, and bully women and others with uterus's attempting to access fully legal safe and provincially funded health services. We will be there to say that they can not and will not threaten our right to choose what happens to our bodies, ever. We will be there long after their 40 days is over. We will never stop fighting back those who would take from us our rights to our bodies and our right to choose what happens to those bodies. 

There is no such thing as pro life when your denial of safe health services would guarantee the death of those with uterus's who would opt for unsafe abortions, coat hangers, drugs, beatings, or dangerous procedures in back rooms. There is only pro-choice or anti-choice.

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